4 Signs That Tell You Have Smoked Too Much Cannabis

Cannabis is now legal for medical use in 33 states plus D.C. and for recreational use, it is legal in 15 states. A lot of people are using cannabis across the United States for both medical and recreational purposes. You can get a medical marijuana card online in San Bernardino to get access to medical cannabis. But when it comes to smoking cannabis, what happens if you end up smoking too much?

A lot of people think of this question but never ask anyone freely. Anyone can end up smoking too much, whether you are an experienced smoker or a newbie. This sometimes leads you to experience some unpleasant effects. And if you are trying to figure out how to know if you have smoked too much cannabis, we’re here to help you. So, here are 4 signs that can help you understand that you have smoked too much cannabis.

The Attack of The Munchies

One of the various medical benefits of cannabis is appetite stimulation. Cannabis can help in stimulating appetite among people suffering from the loss of appetite. Patients suffering from an autoimmune disease or going under treatments like chemotherapy often suffer from the loss of appetite. This is where cannabis can help them through “the munchies.”

The munchies are the insatiable hunger that you experience while you are “high.” You find yourself repeatedly rushing to your kitchen in search of some sweet and savory snacks. Average cannabis users can find themselves eating much under the influence of the munchies. Being overly influenced by the munchies is a clear sign telling you have smoked too much.

Cottonmouth or Dry Mouth

One of the most common side effects of smoking cannabis is cottonmouth or dry mouth. Your mouth and throat become extremely dry and this can be very uncomfortable. This happens when THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) binds with the endocannabinoid receptors in your salivary glands of the mouth. This reduces the flow of blood towards these glands and decreases the production of saliva. And hence resulting in dry mouth. Now the best way to fight off the symptoms of dry mouth is to simply drink water or some non-alcoholic and non-caffeinated beverage. 

Temporary Short-Term Memory Loss

THC is a mind-altering compound that can also affect your perception and memory. The psychoactive high associated with cannabis can even lead you to experience hallucinations. Many users may even experience short-term memory loss because of this. Due to this, you may find it difficult to finish your thoughts as you speak or to recall what you had for dinner last night. Experiencing these symptoms is a clear sign for you to stop smoking cannabis and try taking a tolerance break.

Feelings of Anxiety And Paranoia

Excessive sweating and nervousness are the two symptoms of paranoia and anxiety. This usually happens with novice smokers when they end up smoking too much cannabis. Low to moderate doses of THC can help in providing relaxation and alleviating feelings of anxiety. But high doses of THC can do the opposite and make things worse for people.


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